How to do best keyword research for your website

How to do best keyword research for your website

How to do best keyword research for your website: Choosing the right keywords through keyword research is the key to getting traffic from search engines. The better keyword research you can do, the more traffic you will get. In this article we will learn how to do the best keyword research for your website.

What is a keyword and example?

Keywords are the words and phrases that people type into search engines to find what they’re looking for. For example, if you were looking to buy a new jacket, you might type something like “mens leather jacket” into Google. Even though that phrase consists of more than one word, it’s still a keyword.

What is the right keyword?

The right keyword for your website is the one that caters to your audience and helps you reach your unique objective. That means that the right keywords for someone else are sometimes different for you, even if they’re a competitor in the same space. The right keyword, ideally is a keyword that you can rank high for and is on a topic that is relevant to your audience.

Why is keyword research important?

Keyword research helps you find which keywords are best to target and provides valuable insight into the queries that your target audience is actually searching on Google. The insight that you can get into these actual search terms can help inform content strategy as well as your larger marketing strategy.

People use keywords to find solutions when conducting research online. So if your content is successful in getting in front of our audience as they conduct searches, you stand to gain more traffic. Therefore, you should be targeting those searches.

In addition, in the inbound methodology, we don’t create content around what we want to tell people; we should be creating content around what people want to discover. In other words, our audience is coming to us. This all starts with keyword research.

Keyword research is a crucial aspect of any successful SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to conducting effective keyword research for your website:

Understand Your Target Audience: Start by understanding your target audience and their search behavior. Consider what terms or phrases they might use when looking for products, services, or information related to your website.

Brainstorm Relevant Topics: Make a list of topics and categories that are relevant to your website’s content, products, or services. These topics will serve as the foundation for your keyword research.

Use Keyword ResearchTools: Utilize keyword research tools to discover potential keywords and assess their search volumes and competition levels. Some popular tools include Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Ubersuggest.

Focus on Long-tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases that usually have lower search volumes but are highly targeted. They can be valuable for attracting more qualified and interested visitors.

Analyze Competitor Keywords: Analyze your competitors’ websites to identify the keywords they are targeting. This can provide insights into the keywords that might be beneficial for your website as well.

Consider User Intent: Think about the intent behind each keyword. Are users likely looking for information, seeking to make a purchase, or comparing products? Align your chosen keywords with the content and intent of your website.

Prioritize Relevance and Search Volume: Choose keywords that are both relevant to your website and have a decent search volume. Balance highly competitive keywords with less competitive ones to improve your chances of ranking.

Check Keyword Difficulty: Some keywords may have high competition, making it difficult to rank well. Assess the keyword difficulty to gauge whether your website has a chance to rank for those keywords.

Utilize Location-based Keywords (if applicable): If your website targets a specific geographic area, consider using location-based keywords to attract local traffic.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing: Once you have selected your keywords, avoid overusing them on your website. Keyword stuffing can harm your rankings and user experience. Aim for a natural and readable content flow.

Regularly Review and Update: The digital landscape is dynamic, and search trends may change over time. Keep monitoring your website’s performance and periodically update your keywords to stay relevant.

Monitor Analytics: Use website analytics tools to track the performance of the keywords you have chosen. Analyze which keywords are driving traffic and conversions, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Google Autosuggest: Another way to help you find keywords is through using Google autosuggest. You would type in your seed keyword and then start with every alphabet letter to see what pops up . For example, I typed “skateboard” with a starting letter like “b” into Google and here are some of the keywords I found. Skateboard bag, Skateboard bushings, Skateboard bearings.

Niche Forums: The last way I thought was interesting and helpful to find keywords is through niche forums like Reddit. You would type into the Google search bar your seed keyword and Reddit afterwards, and any article discussing your keyword would pop up. For example, I searched “skateboard Reddit” and tons of articles popped up. This way helps you find keywords but will also help you get to know what the community thinks about products . Then if the users have concerns about the product and you can make that change, you are solving their problem and now have a better product.

Where Should I Put My Keywords?
Here are the places to put your keywords:

  • Page URL.
  • Page title.
  • Meta description.
  • H1-H4 headings.
  • Throughout the text.

If you want to do more than optimize a webpage, you can also try these more niche uses for keywords:

  • Image filenames and ALT texts. This causes your images to appear in Google Image Search.
  • Video title, description, transcript, and thumbnail’s filename. For Google Video Search, natch. Works even for YouTube videos.
  • Internal and external link texts. Keywords placed there affect the linked page (i.e. help it rank), not the page where they are used.
  • That’s a lot of places and you don’t want to miss any of them. SEO tools can help you find important spots that you forgot to fill.

Benefits of keyword research:

1. If you write every post by doing Keyword Research, then your blog will gain maximum targeted traffic and your post will soon be ranked in Google.

2. The more your posts will be ranked in Search Engine. The higher the domain authority of your site will be.

3. With the help of Keyword Research, you will also get ideas for the content of your blog.

4. With Keyword Research, you can rank your blog for special keywords.

5. The more people your post reaches, the more your posts will be shared and the more traffic will come on it.

6. With the help of Keyword Research, you can know what is the competition of any Particular Keyword and how much effort you need to gain high traffic.

7. The more keywords your site will rank in Google, the higher its ranking will increase.

8. If you want more organic traffic from google search engines then you should do a keyword search.

9. The traffic you will get by ranking Keyword in google earns more from both ads and affiliate market.


19 Best Free and Paid Keyword Research Tools for SEO

1. Semrush
2. Free Keyword Tool by Backlinko
3. Soovle
4. TopicRanker
5. Jaaxy
6. Google Search Console
7. Ahrefs Keywords Explorer
8. SECockpit
9. Google Keyword Planner
11. Moz Keyword Explorer
12. Keywords Everywhere
13. Keyword Snatcher
14. Google Trends
15. KWFinder
16. QuestionDB
17. Serpstat
18. AlsoAsked
19. KeywordTool

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